giovedì 1 marzo 2018

Alone, in a crowd/Solo, tra la folla


I saw                                                 Vidi
The shape of you                              La tua forma
Slowly walking down                      Scendere lentamente
The hill                                             Giù dalla collina
Playing with the half circle              Giocare con il semicerchio
Of the setting sun                             Del sole al tramonto
That made the trees                          Che fece esplodere e ruggire
Explode and roar in a flame             Gli alberi in fiamme
We talked about this                         Ne parlammo
Do you remember?                           Ricordi?
The day we took                               Il giorno in cui prendemmo
Our separate ways                            Strade diverse
And said goodbye                             E ci dicemmo addio
'Will you forget about me?'              'Mi dimenticherai?'
You said in a whisper                       Dicesti in un sussurro
'How could I forget                          'Come potrei dimenticare
About myself?'                                  Me stesso?'
That's what I said                              Ecco cosa risposi
The day I died                                   Il giorno in cui morii
With that funny smile                       Con quello strano sorriso
On my face                                       Sul volto
A blink of an eye                              Un battito di ciglia
And you were gone                          E non c'eri già più
Leaving me there                              Lasciandomi così
Alone, in a crowd                             Solo, tra la folla

                                                       (photo: 'The Crowd' by King Vidor)