sabato 15 agosto 2020

To the Lighthouse/Al faro


No darkness                             Nessuna oscurità
Will ever be                             Sarà mai
Deep enough                           Profonda abbastanza
To hide you                             Per nasconderti
From me                                  Da me
From the eye                           Dall'occhio
Of the lighthouse                    Del faro
Out of the blue                        Fuori dal blue
And into the black                  E nel nero
You slipped                             Scivolasti via
You sailed away                      Veleggiasti
Leaving the shore                    Lasciandoti la spiaggia
Behind                                     Alle spalle
But you left                             Ma dimenticasti
Your compass                         La bussola
Your sextant                            Il sestante
And maps                                Le tue mappe
Your starfish                            Una stella marina
And seashells                          E delle conchiglie
On my bedroom floor             Sul pavimento della camera
So you must come back          Dunque dovrai tornare
Someday you will                   Un giorno lo farai
I know                                     Lo so
And I will keep                       Ed io terrò
My searchlight on                   La luce accesa
Until the day I see                   Fino al giorno in cui vedrò
The familiar shape                  La forma conosciuta
Of your boat                            Della tua barca
In the distance                         All'orizzonte
Coming home                         Tornare a casa
Coming back                           Tornare
To the lighthouse                     Al faro

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