This is E’ questa
Such a mysterious disease Una malattia misteriosa
In times of extreme visibility In tempi di esasperata visibilita’
Real dangers seem to come I pericoli veri arrivano
From what you cannot see Da cio’ che non vedi
From what you breathe Da cio’ che respiri
From the air around you Dall’aria intorno
And it came E arrivo’
Apparently from nowhere Apparentemente dal nulla
To let us know Per comunicarci
That we must come to terms Che dobbiamo confrontarci
With our fears Con le nostre paure
The biggest ones being solitude Le piu’ grandi come la solitudine
And the lack of freedom E l’assenza di liberta’
Stay home, they say State a casa, ci dicono
This time it’s much safer in E’ piu’ sicuro dentro
And we do as we’re told E facciamo come ci dicono
As we close our doors Mentre chiudiamo le porte
And the mirrors of our soul E gli specchi dell’anima
What an obscure disease Che oscura malattia
This is E’ questa
(Digitally enhanced photo by the author)
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